Another thing which COVID, and more specifically the prolonged restrictions imposed on meetings and gatherings highlighted for Urban Farmer, was our need for personal contact and social interaction.
With the introduction of our new office and the splitting of the Urban Farmer teams we recognised the potential for creating a rift in the company, thus undoing the original, well-intended plan for improved employee well-being and greater company productivity.
Urban Farmer’s solution was to introduce Urban Friday. Urban Farmer has dedicated the last Friday of every month to enjoying each other’s company outside of the office environment.
To date the team has had a morning at the movies, a day at the track, and a course in basic first aid. These non-work-related activities have been accompanied by much fun and laughter, and a healthy dose of competitiveness.
“We find that the camaraderie and team spirit which Urban Friday generates goes a long way to compensating for the day’s work lost in the office,” Steven Payne.