The Urban Farmer technical team was fortunate to be able to attend the annual SwiNE Day hosted by SwiNE Nutrition Management in Pretoria, South Africa.
SwiNE Nutrition Management is a South African based nutrition consultancy headed by Willem Steyn. Willem and his team work extensively across the globe, servicing clients in the United States of America, Canada, Europe, Asia and Africa.
Every year SwiNE Nutrition Management host an information day in South Africa for their local clients. The day affords them the opportunity to bring their clients up to speed with their current research activities, as well as being a social occasion where they can share anecdotes from their international experiences.
The theme for SwiNE Day 2019 was “Weight is the new back fat” and presentations were delivered by Willem Steyn and Cara Nel of SwiNE Nutrition Management and their international partner, Philip van den Brink. This year’s guest speakers were Ian Kennaird, Johan Odendaal and Solomon Maposa of CCC in Zimbabwe.
SwiNE Nutrition Management support Urban Farmer with the design of its pig solutions and the formulation of the corresponding diets and macro premixes. The collaboration between Urban Farmer and SwiNE Nutrition Management means that Urban Farmer’s clients enjoy the high level of support upon which Urban Farmer prides itself, while also benefitting from the latest international developments related to both products and concepts.