

Urban Farmer News & Developments

Urban Farmer introduces U-MIX

Urban Farmer is proud to introduce U-MIX in 2022. Despite sub-Saharan Africa having over 500 million small-scale farmers, one in four Africans still suffer from chronic undernourishment. U-MIX is Urban Farmer’s new digitally supported macro solution for small-holder farmers. We created U-MIX with the aim to enable these farmers to utilise their surplus crops to make their own poultry and livestock feeds. With U-MIX farmers are empowered to produce their own affordable, safe and high-quality animal protein.

U-MIX is currently being piloted in Zambia with the support of Urban Farmer’s local subsidiary, Isibaya Holdings, and its three partnering agrovets based in Lusaka, Mazabuka and Kitwe respectively.

A simple solution to a significant challenge!
