Urban Farmer and COVID 19

On Monday 23 March 2020 South Africa’s president, Cyril Ramaphosa, confirmed that South Africa will be going into “lock-down” from Thursday 26 March 2020 to Thursday 16 April 2020. This intervention is seen as necessary to curtail the spread of the COVID-19 virus and will see many businesses closing their doors for 21 days and individuals being asked to stay at home.
Urban Farmer, and other businesses essential to the production and transportation of food, have been given special permission to remain open.
We are in regular contact with our suppliers and we do not anticipate any major challenges with the production of the Urban Farmer macro premixes or the sourcing and supplying of essential vaccines and medicines. There may however still be disruptions in supply due to unforeseen transport delays as a result of restrictions on international movement. Please be mindful of the situation and ensure that orders are placed timeously with Urban Farmer.
While we remain at your service we are taking the necessary health and safety precautions recommended by the World Health Organization and our government to ensure the well-being of our staff and their families as they go about their business. We thank you for your cooperation.